Gabriel Jon Griswold

Gabriel Jon Griswold is an award-winning German-born, American Composer and Conductor, with interests in both media and concert music. He was born in Würzburg, Germany before later moving to Cleveland, Ohio. As a composer, his music has been performed across the United States, as well as Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Brazil, with installation and film work in the USA, Canada, and France. As a composer in residence, he has participated in festivals at the Boston Conservatory, Atlantic Music Festival, Vienna Summer Music Festival, and the Saõ Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival among others.

Gabriel deeply enjoys writing concert music as well as interdisciplinary works. He especially enjoys writing for dancers. His music was featured in the dance short film “The Construct of One” which was selected as a winner of the Pacific Northwest Ballet Film Festival for the 2022 season. As a composer of concert music, he has been lucky enough to write for performers such as the Semiosis Quartet, Ashley Jackson, Karen Ouzounian, icarus Quartet, Quartetto Noûs, and TAK Ensemble. He also released a solo organ album “Memories of Sunsets My Friend Never Saw” in the summer of 2023. His music pursues the exploration of timbral and textural characteristics while allowing musicians to make each performance their own through aleatory and improvisation. He is currently pursuing his bachelor of music at the University of Southern California where his teachers include Nina C. Young, Moor Mother (Camae Dennis), Donald Crockett, Veronika Krausas, and Ted Hearne. For the fall of 2022, Gabriel was based in Helsinki, Finland studying composition at the Sibelius Academy. He studied orchestration with Tapio Tuomela and composition with Lauri Kilpiö as well as electronic music with Alejandro Olarte.